Rug Customers Beware

Things You Should Know Before You Hire A Rug Cleaner.

Lets face it, hiring anyone to do anything in your home is so hard. That is why we always ask friends and family who they are using and if they are happy. This is the best way but our family doesn’t have all the answers. So this means that you will have to do some shopping around and that is why you are probably at this website today.

I created this page for one reason, and one reason only.


Even if you do not use my company I want you to have some knowledge so that you can pick the right cleaner for your situation. I have been in the industry for over 20 years and have seen a lot of things.

I know for a fact if you follow half of what I tell you today you will be just fine choosing the right company. So here is my list of things you need to know or ask when shopping for a rug cleaner.

I have already mentioned some of these on the home page but the point of this page is to drive home the importance of asking and finding out the correct information to protect yourself.

AVOID, AVOID, AVOID the $1 to $2 per square foot guys!

Why you ask? I have been in this business for a long time and I can tell you the average cost for professional rug cleaner to do his job correctly. So when you get a quote for a 1.50 per square foot I know they are going to use their big old truck mount with that hot steam on your beautiful rug.

In order for them to make a profit they have to. And if the rug bleeds, browns something else goes wrong their insurance won’t fix it! That’s even if they have insurance. I talk more about insurance in number 6.  If you want a splash and dash cleaning then call the local franchise.

Look, I promise you, anything under $1.75 should send you running. Protect yourself! Protect your rug!

Appropriate Fiber Protection

All rug cleaners should offer a fiber protector that is specifically designed for the fibers being cleaned whether it is silk, wool, or one of the other many popular fibers used in rug construction today.

Avoid The Truckmount

Have them explain their method. They should be confident in their methods and able to explain them easily.
Remember Avoid the TRUCKMOUNT!

Will They Dust Your Rug?

Will they dust your rug? You have to remove the dry soil before you even think of starting a cleaning process. Its sad to say, but I don’t know of anyone in the area that is truly dusting a rug the right way. Hopefully this will change.

A true rug expert is always prepared with 3 or more ways to dust your rug. Stop in today and we can show you how this is done.

Avoid ‘Tub Washers Using Bleach’ and Harsh Chemicals Not Designed for Rug Cleaning

Stay away from the tub washers using bleaches and harsh chemicals not designed for rug cleaning. I won’t say too much other than stay with a company that is a true rug washer.  The goal is to keep your rug clean and make it last as long as possible. The products and procedures of these type companies WILL DAMAGE your rug.

Do they have a Guarantee?

My final and most important question you should ask…..Do They Have a GUARANTEE?

Do they have Rug insurance? Very Important!

Just let me explain how this works. All carpet businesses that are legit, will have insurance. The most common mistake I see in the industry is carpet cleaners that think their insurance covers them from major mistakes on rugs. It happens all the time.

Carpet cleaning insurance DOES NOT COVER RUGS!

You have to have specific insurance period!! If something is to go wrong a true rug washer will have the proper insurance to cover the issue.

Are They Wool Safe Approved?

Are they Wool Safe Approved? We are a Wool Safe Approved Service Provider and I am Wools Safe Certified. Anyone cleaning wool rugs should be Wool Safe Approved.

Don’t Let Them Clean Your Rugs In Your Home

If the cleaner wants to clean the rug at your home inside or on your driveway say thanks but NO THANKS!!! Rugs should never be cleaned in the customers home…..PERIOD! A true well trained rug cleaner will have a facility and won’t even ask to do the rug in your home. There are many reasons we do the rugs in our facility. We can go into all those reasons later.

Will They Invite You To Their Facility?

We want you to come to our facility. We are proud of our office and most of our clients drop their rugs off here to be cleaned.

I think it is always best to know where your rug is going to be. Just my opinion.